Nationwide Directional Boring & Trenching Services
We-Bore-It specializes in directional boring and trenching services for both commercial and residential customers. Our crews can negotiate around existing sensitive underground utilities such as water, electrical, telecommunications, fiber-optics, and gas. Additionally, we install new utilities such as the aforementioned, as well as conduits, fiber optic cable, underground wiring and much more. No project is too tough or too large for our crews. Our underground construction services are both scalable and affordable. Therefore, no matter what type or size project you have, we can handle a particular component of the project or turnkey the entire construction project for you.
With over 30 years plus of experience in the underground construction industry, We-Bore-It is a different kind of contracting company. Though we’re based out of Illinois, through our trusted network we have resources nationwide to serve your underground construction needs. Whether our crews are in-house, contracting partners, or a combination thereof, no matter where your project is located, you can rest assured in knowing that We-Bore-It represents you and your project; from directional boring to engineering & consulting.
See down below to view the areas we service, our boring services, and resources. Click here to see past projects we have completed nationwide, or click here to see past projects we have completed in Illinois.

Areas We Service:
While we provide underground construction and utility installation services nationwide, below are the states we have most often served.
- Alabama
- Arkansas
- Arizona
- California
- Florida
- Georgia
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Iowa
- Kentucky
- Louisiana
- Maryland
- Michigan
- Minnesota
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Nebraska
- New Mexico
- North Carolina
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
- Pennsylvania
- South Carolina
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Virginia
- West Virginia
- Wisconsin
Get a Service Quote
Call 800-864-8857 to discuss your project with one of our friendly project planners or request a free quote online.

“I was referred to We-Bore-It after our fifth contractor had again ‘humped’ yet another roadway. We were tired of gambling with unknown and unproven contractors. We-Bore-It has been providing us with quality service and directional bore crews for two years now. All I can say is I wish I had found them earlier.”
― S. Lavine, (MO)
Underground Services
The following is just a sampling of the type of underground construction, directional boring and trenching projects that are completed everyday by We-Bore-It. Whether you have a small project and just need to get under a driveway or a larger scale project we have the resources and experience to get it done for you. Our services are scalable so no matter what type or size project you have, we can handle a particular component of the project or if you like, we can turnkey the entire project for you. Working with We-Bore-It is like having your own ON-DEMAND underground construction department!

Do you have questions? Please visit our most Frequently Asked Questions page to review the most commonly asked and answered questions we receive.